34 years, lives in Gonars, analyst and computer programmer, Adviser Municipal outgoing

46 years, lives in Fauglis, married, two children, maintenance technician, team leader in the municipal team of Civil Protection of the City of Gonars
CIRO Francesca

27 years, lives in Gonars degree in cultural heritage and graduate student in archeology, cultural arts active in the association "Le Andronicus", an expert on teaching children
59 years, lives in Gonars employee of the Hospital of Palmanova, Mayor from 1995 to 1999, Minister for Health and Assistance from 1999 to 2004, Director of the Province of Udine 2001 to 2006, the outgoing City Councilman
Patrick TAVARIS Maria
31 years of Gonars, lives in Fauglis, married, one daughter, socio health, Red Cross volunteer, the local social services and support administrator of Gonars
ANTONINI Gianpietro (Pieri)
56 years, lives in Gonars, three daughters, director of social cooperation, active in the union, in cooperation and social nell'associazionismo
Cocetta Joseph Lauro
50 years living in Gonars, married, one son and two daughters, used Christian Associations of Italian Workers (ACLI), City Councillor from 1999 to 2004, the outgoing Deputy Mayor and Municipal Councillor with responsibility for Culture and Civil Protection

46 years, lives in Gonars, married, father of two, master builder, freelance

36 years lives in Gonars, married, one son and one daughter, worker, president of the Amateur Football Gonars 2002 to 2008 President and co-founder of the soccer team Gjgjote C5

54 years, lives in Gonars, married, two children, a craftsman, a City Councillor from 1999 to 2004, the outgoing municipal councilor with responsibility for Public Works and Maintenance:
Gonars 50 years has lived in since 1997, married, two daughters, graduated in architecture, an official of the City of Aquileia as responsible for urban private housing and environment

Gonars lives in 57 years, married, one daughter, senior, sports club manager Libertas
49 years, lives in Gonars, married, two children, employed by the Superintendent
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