On 6 and 7 June elections will take place in our town and this means a new campaign.
The Civic List, which has administered the City of Gonars in recent years, will recur to your attention by illustrating, with this simple publication of results and the many activities carried out since 2004.
We have worked in recent years, with passion, enthusiasm and great determination to respect what we had pledged to do during these five years when we ruled the City of Gonars.
We believe we have succeeded in our intent and power today re-election of strong administrative work, a positive experience and "good government" that has made the city more lively, more livable and more full of meeting places and services.
were indeed produced important works of redevelopment in the city center: Piazza Giulio Cesare and Piazza San Rocco a Gonars and parking opposite the church to Ontagnano.
E 'was made the new headquarters for civil protection in the industrial area, which will be completed as soon as the body offices and meeting rooms, and work for the completion of the channel for flood protection of the town of Fauglis.
important areas have been purchased in the city center: the area of \u200b\u200bthe former box factory and the area under Candotto Gandin, where, thanks to funding Regional already granted, it will revamp the building on Via Roma to be devoted to the Day Centre for Seniors and will be placed outside the area used for parking, and where in future we will make further buildings to enhance services to the community. The population of
Ontagnano has also acquired the former body building opposite the church and the vast area that was evacuated Jewish Oratorio from the ruins and then partially sold all'ATER of Udine and short will build 12 units for families City of Gonars in difficulty, while it began to restructure the imposing building owner to get more space for culture and for associations. The population of
Fauglis were granted use of the premises at the School of Music CEDIM that triggered a fruitful collaboration with the Conservatory of Udine. The School of Music quickly became an important cultural landmark for the families of the town and the district. Also in
Fauglis has been made of new housing units, no longer the anonymous building rise projects as in the past, but respecting the traditional canons of reproducing the typical rural court Friuli.
games have been equipped with benches and green areas in numerous Gonars and villages.
have started work on building the new preschool in a Gonars Via Molini.
were obtained finally, thanks to the support of neighboring municipalities, the funds for the construction of the first lot of a gym surfed to be carried out in the field of sports Gonars.
were also awarded to local companies and firms out of town about 50,000 sqm of new industrial area and therefore more factories soon arise, respecting the environment, which will give employment to our citizens.
We can say that in recent years the face of our town has changed considerably and that our community has developed as demonstrated by the steady increase of the population reached its high of about 4,800 inhabitants.
have been implemented many initiatives for the elderly and youth and also in the field of culture and history of our town.
After these five years, difficult and exciting at the same time, allow me to address a series of heartfelt thanks to people and institutions that have contributed to the results just presented.
I thank the Deputy Mayor and Councillors Lauro Cocetta Mara Bonilla, Ciro Lauro, Aurelio Di Benedetto, Domenico Italo Graziutti and "Romano" Lava, my co-workers. I liked them in their efforts, their achievements, the results achieved. I thank them also for the respect shown for my role as "first among equals." Not There was place for them in place that I have not shared and appreciated.
same applies to all directors of the "Civic List," Dreossi Piero, Fabrizio Martelossi, Elisetta Moretti, Roberto Rizzi, Mauro Sure, Henry and Virginia Zuccolo Livio, led by group leader Councillor Paul Zoratti.
Our unit, confirmed at any time and in any discussion, was the main component to complete many projects.
thanking the minority for having helped to raise the debate which took place on the boards in a climate of fairness and loyalty to each other. Never
matters in administrative management, but key players were City Secretary and Municipal Employees, who have paid a thousand real difficulties to the many needs of the community. To them I extend my appreciation and that of all the Directors, with whom he has worked loyally and profitably.
thank the Municipal Police, the Municipal Civil Protection Team and representatives of law enforcement: Police, Police, Financial Police, for his service to the security of citizens.
I also thank the Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia and the province of Udine which helped us to achieve our goals.
As thanks for his service to community and Gonars Ontagnano the parish priest Don Massimiliano Zanadrea and for his service to the community of the parish priest Don Antonio Fauglis Mantovani.
are likewise grateful to the director of the Comprehensive Gonars Dr. Laurino Nardin as, with great professionalism, he is doing for the benefit of future generations gonaresi.
thank leaders and members of sports clubs, cultural, historical, class, weapons and volunteers, and members of various committees festivities.
Last Thanksgiving, the most important is for all citizens of the City of Gonars, whose growing support, coupled with the ever-present constructive criticism, have always encouraged our work and encouraged them to do more.
All citizens, please understand if something was missing: these are the limits of man and of public administrations. But certainly what has been done by the "Civic List" is so, because it has far exceeded our program administration, while ambitious, and the same expectations.
Now it is for each citizen to evaluate the performance of the municipal administration which I had the honor of leading. And his opinion of us, "Civic List" we go back with confidence.
Thank you all. Ivan
the Civic List Mayor Candidate
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