Care Dear fellow citizens and countrymen, I
comments taken as a candidate for Mayor to continue the work of revitalizing the City of Gonars.
Ours is a civic list because we are not "owned" by a party or a political coalition: our aim is to propose to continue to be the engine to get the best our City and to make our country the ideal place to raise our children become adults and then older so peaceful.
In recent years more and more choices you have shared the Civic List for a simple reason: we have seen in the transparency and the reality of the facts, you forgot a policy of agreements underground, insults and easy demagoguery to make room for evidence the serious work that lasts a long time.
fact the last few years the face of Gonars Fauglis Ontagnano and has changed significantly for the ability of the Administration and the Population.
The Civic List continues to be an original reality because it is a coalition of political forces but is a set of capable people in the time of renewal.
We are a group of people, as bearers of diverse values \u200b\u200band experiences, we wish to contribute to the good of the community from which we derive. Young and old
below may have the support of many other citizens with the common goal of IMPROVE QUALITY 'OF LIFE. Our
Eun VIVO City, on the move, they are born and compare ideas and projects to qualify, making the roads better, more efficient services and create long-term planning is also necessary to make courageous choices and broad. To do this
it is essential to the collaboration of all: a town and its population is not going ahead only for government intervention is necessary that each system is a piece of the mosaic of the country that we all want. Ivan
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