Friday, May 29, 2009
Sample Welcome Addresses
next meeting of the Civic List for the presentation of candidates and the program.
Fauglis - Civic Centre, Monday, June 1, 2009, 20:30
Ontagnano - Civic Hall, Wednesday, June 3, 2009, 20:30
Gonars - Basic Gym, Thursday, June 4, 2009, 20:30
All the public is invited
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Emc Seymour Plaza Reviews
A program Current TV called "The guys at Geek Files," which devotes each week, a trip to a theme of Web, has created one on how to earn online with advertising, interviewing several experts, including where Layla Pavone, President of IAB Italy, who spoke in advertising spending in Italy, Giorgia Longoni, marketing director Google Italy, who explained how Google AdWords and Google AdSense; David Di Tivoli, co-founder of ISayBlog, which describes how you can earn blogging, Mark Pancini, Institutional Relations Manager Google Italy, which addressed the sensitive issue of the relationship between the online advertising and privacy.
Now let us ask ourselves: why online conversations are becoming the engine of the business, what are the alternatives to the traditional online advertising, what are the limits of the Italian market online and how online publishers can promote products and services of interest for your audience?
Bloggers, in fact, if you want to continue to earn online , especially in these times of economic crisis, can not stop the classic advertising. On the contrary must be able to get involved and try new ways, sponsoring content or products of real value , creating info-products and providing widget with the latest news and information about a particular topic.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Community Service Hour Template
On 6 and 7 June elections will take place in our town and this means a new campaign.
The Civic List, which has administered the City of Gonars in recent years, will recur to your attention by illustrating, with this simple publication of results and the many activities carried out since 2004.
We have worked in recent years, with passion, enthusiasm and great determination to respect what we had pledged to do during these five years when we ruled the City of Gonars.
We believe we have succeeded in our intent and power today re-election of strong administrative work, a positive experience and "good government" that has made the city more lively, more livable and more full of meeting places and services.
were indeed produced important works of redevelopment in the city center: Piazza Giulio Cesare and Piazza San Rocco a Gonars and parking opposite the church to Ontagnano.
E 'was made the new headquarters for civil protection in the industrial area, which will be completed as soon as the body offices and meeting rooms, and work for the completion of the channel for flood protection of the town of Fauglis.
important areas have been purchased in the city center: the area of \u200b\u200bthe former box factory and the area under Candotto Gandin, where, thanks to funding Regional already granted, it will revamp the building on Via Roma to be devoted to the Day Centre for Seniors and will be placed outside the area used for parking, and where in future we will make further buildings to enhance services to the community. The population of
Ontagnano has also acquired the former body building opposite the church and the vast area that was evacuated Jewish Oratorio from the ruins and then partially sold all'ATER of Udine and short will build 12 units for families City of Gonars in difficulty, while it began to restructure the imposing building owner to get more space for culture and for associations. The population of
Fauglis were granted use of the premises at the School of Music CEDIM that triggered a fruitful collaboration with the Conservatory of Udine. The School of Music quickly became an important cultural landmark for the families of the town and the district. Also in
Fauglis has been made of new housing units, no longer the anonymous building rise projects as in the past, but respecting the traditional canons of reproducing the typical rural court Friuli.
games have been equipped with benches and green areas in numerous Gonars and villages.
have started work on building the new preschool in a Gonars Via Molini.
were obtained finally, thanks to the support of neighboring municipalities, the funds for the construction of the first lot of a gym surfed to be carried out in the field of sports Gonars.
were also awarded to local companies and firms out of town about 50,000 sqm of new industrial area and therefore more factories soon arise, respecting the environment, which will give employment to our citizens.
We can say that in recent years the face of our town has changed considerably and that our community has developed as demonstrated by the steady increase of the population reached its high of about 4,800 inhabitants.
have been implemented many initiatives for the elderly and youth and also in the field of culture and history of our town.
After these five years, difficult and exciting at the same time, allow me to address a series of heartfelt thanks to people and institutions that have contributed to the results just presented.
I thank the Deputy Mayor and Councillors Lauro Cocetta Mara Bonilla, Ciro Lauro, Aurelio Di Benedetto, Domenico Italo Graziutti and "Romano" Lava, my co-workers. I liked them in their efforts, their achievements, the results achieved. I thank them also for the respect shown for my role as "first among equals." Not There was place for them in place that I have not shared and appreciated.
same applies to all directors of the "Civic List," Dreossi Piero, Fabrizio Martelossi, Elisetta Moretti, Roberto Rizzi, Mauro Sure, Henry and Virginia Zuccolo Livio, led by group leader Councillor Paul Zoratti.
Our unit, confirmed at any time and in any discussion, was the main component to complete many projects.
thanking the minority for having helped to raise the debate which took place on the boards in a climate of fairness and loyalty to each other. Never
matters in administrative management, but key players were City Secretary and Municipal Employees, who have paid a thousand real difficulties to the many needs of the community. To them I extend my appreciation and that of all the Directors, with whom he has worked loyally and profitably.
thank the Municipal Police, the Municipal Civil Protection Team and representatives of law enforcement: Police, Police, Financial Police, for his service to the security of citizens.
I also thank the Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia and the province of Udine which helped us to achieve our goals.
As thanks for his service to community and Gonars Ontagnano the parish priest Don Massimiliano Zanadrea and for his service to the community of the parish priest Don Antonio Fauglis Mantovani.
are likewise grateful to the director of the Comprehensive Gonars Dr. Laurino Nardin as, with great professionalism, he is doing for the benefit of future generations gonaresi.
thank leaders and members of sports clubs, cultural, historical, class, weapons and volunteers, and members of various committees festivities.
Last Thanksgiving, the most important is for all citizens of the City of Gonars, whose growing support, coupled with the ever-present constructive criticism, have always encouraged our work and encouraged them to do more.
All citizens, please understand if something was missing: these are the limits of man and of public administrations. But certainly what has been done by the "Civic List" is so, because it has far exceeded our program administration, while ambitious, and the same expectations.
Now it is for each citizen to evaluate the performance of the municipal administration which I had the honor of leading. And his opinion of us, "Civic List" we go back with confidence.
Thank you all. Ivan
the Civic List Mayor Candidate
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Community Service Letter Templates
with mayoral candidate IVAN CIGNOLI
invites you to a meeting to know
and to illustrate three important projects for the development of Gonars:
Dull Kidney Pain More Condition_symptoms
communicate the dates of the meetings organized by the Civic List for the purpose of the program content administrative unveils 2009/2014 and candidates counselors
- Gonars: FRIDAY '22.05.2009 AT 20.30 AT THE GYM BASIC
- Fauglis: MONDAY '06.01.2009 AT 20.30 AT THE CIVIC CENTER (Via IV Novembre)
- Ontagnano: WEDNESDAY' 03.06.2006 AT 20.30 AT CIVIC HALL (beside church)
- Gonars: THURSDAY '06.04.2009 AT 20.30 AT THE GYM BASIC
Monday, May 18, 2009
Samples Of Wedding Seat Chart
34 years, lives in Gonars, analyst and computer programmer, Adviser Municipal outgoing
46 years, lives in Fauglis, married, two children, maintenance technician, team leader in the municipal team of Civil Protection of the City of Gonars
CIRO Francesca
27 years, lives in Gonars degree in cultural heritage and graduate student in archeology, cultural arts active in the association "Le Andronicus", an expert on teaching children
59 years, lives in Gonars employee of the Hospital of Palmanova, Mayor from 1995 to 1999, Minister for Health and Assistance from 1999 to 2004, Director of the Province of Udine 2001 to 2006, the outgoing City Councilman
Patrick TAVARIS Maria
31 years of Gonars, lives in Fauglis, married, one daughter, socio health, Red Cross volunteer, the local social services and support administrator of Gonars
ANTONINI Gianpietro (Pieri)
56 years, lives in Gonars, three daughters, director of social cooperation, active in the union, in cooperation and social nell'associazionismo
Cocetta Joseph Lauro
50 years living in Gonars, married, one son and two daughters, used Christian Associations of Italian Workers (ACLI), City Councillor from 1999 to 2004, the outgoing Deputy Mayor and Municipal Councillor with responsibility for Culture and Civil Protection
46 years, lives in Gonars, married, father of two, master builder, freelance
36 years lives in Gonars, married, one son and one daughter, worker, president of the Amateur Football Gonars 2002 to 2008 President and co-founder of the soccer team Gjgjote C5
54 years, lives in Gonars, married, two children, a craftsman, a City Councillor from 1999 to 2004, the outgoing municipal councilor with responsibility for Public Works and Maintenance:
Gonars 50 years has lived in since 1997, married, two daughters, graduated in architecture, an official of the City of Aquileia as responsible for urban private housing and environment
Gonars lives in 57 years, married, one daughter, senior, sports club manager Libertas
49 years, lives in Gonars, married, two children, employed by the Superintendent
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Master Lock Combination Pick Program
The list of candidates for City Council and the associated application for the office of Mayor, distinguished by the Civic List name and symbol of the open book with the coat of arms City of Gonars and the names of countries Gonars Fauglis, Ontagnano and Bordiga, a blue decorated with rainbows and stars of the European Union, I shall present its program administration for the next five years:
a day care center in the central Via Roma Gonars in buildings "Gandin, recently purchased by the City, to provide hot meals to the elderly and give them the opportunity to enjoy local social activities during the day. •
, so long in the "Gandin, new places and focus of all social services (community nurse, social worker and home care, voluntary social).
• Strengthening the network of care to support families with elderly in difficulty cooperating with the Club "Meeting Place of the City of Gonars" Munus and "Mutual of New Social Solidarity" to offer an improved quality of service to the most vulnerable . •
Enhance the service of "Taxi Social and promote recreational activities for the elderly. •
make contributions to reduction of rents to families in need. • Making
12 new housing units Ontagnano to be made available to the families of the town in difficult socio-economic context in retrieving an abandoned area in the center of the country. YOUTH POLICY
• Providing young people the new wooden structure in the park behind the primary schools to create a new gathering place for young people.
• Establish a panel of young people who will be responsible for proposing and coordinating initiatives and activities based on their needs.
• Make a "Youth Project", which will result in events, training sessions, courses of various kinds and a film club.
• Consolidate and implement the summer workshops in June and July.
• Developing the Game Room located on the premises of the business over the municipal police.
• Strengthen the library because it is not just a place to study and borrow books, but increasingly become a meeting place and cultural exchange for all age groups (in particular, should increase interactive guide for children, will remain a free service of the Internet, will buy new books, meetings with authors promote and strengthen collaboration with schools). • Making
publications related to our territory and our culture by supporting local writers and students wishing to pursue thesis topics in collaboration with local universities.
• Plan events for adults: guided tours to exhibitions and art cities, theatrical events in the municipal structures also support local community groups, transportation to attend events at the theater and opera theaters in the region and our neighbors.
• Promote festivals such gatherings not to wipe out the local traditions: the Spring Fair, Autumn Fair, the village festivals and other events organized by the associations.
• Support and enhance even more the work of cultural associations with the other (sports, solidarity, weapon, class, etc..) Animate our territory, verifying the conditions for the establishment of the Pro Loco for coordination and dissemination of all initiatives.
• Promote the Friulian language and culture.
• Support the activities of the School of Music CEDIM "for the consolidation of collaboration with the Conservatory of Udine. • Encourage
the reality of the twinning with the Slovenian town of Vrhnika that allowed the establishment of the-European mentality in our country. You will experience the opportunity to establish new partnerships with other towns.
• Implement all possible actions for obtaining the necessary funds to implement in the central areas of the capital of an "auditorium" to accommodate evening events (music, theater). • Seeking new
the town library to increase the space now no longer sufficient for all activities that are performed and requests.
• Start the construction of a new municipal gym in the sports field Gonars, necessary because of big sport that is not answered adequately in the existing structures, in order to have regulatory playing fields for basketball, volleyball and handball, and to permit the presence of the public meetings as the existing structures do not allow . •
platform systems outside the secondary school for the game of basketball / volleyball / football, where young people can freely practice the aforesaid sports.
• Management of sports facilities with schools and sports clubs through the conclusion of specific agreements.
• Building a new preschool in the state capital to eliminate existing waiting lists and provide a structure in accordance with new standards of safety and education.
• Support the activities carried out by the nursery school peer "S. Giovanni Bosco "Gonars in order to reduce the cost of administering it and provide the necessary educational pluralism.
• Increase the capacity of the nursery City Fauglis to ensure an increasingly necessary to households.
• Solving the problem of limited space of the classrooms of primary school, have proved inadequate because of the new educational reform which increased the number of pupils per class, by means of any expansion of existing buildings or spaces included streamlining the Comprehensive Institute.
• Place the outer area of \u200b\u200bthe primary school.
• Continue with the replacement of furniture in schools.
• Enriching educational computer equipment and the provision of schools with financial support for the continuation of educational projects.
• Financial support for families to reduce expenditure on the purchase of textbooks and teaching tools.
• Locate new residential areas in the capital and in villages.
• Review the regulations for building work on properties in areas central fractions in order to meet the changing needs of the population. • Dispense
contributions to the arrangement of the facades in the central areas of the country.
• Prevent the initiation and expansion for new landfills in the municipal territory and neighboring areas.
• Giving continuity to the project of "HORN RIVER PARK" with the additional acquisition of permanent grassland and peatland to enable the rediscovery and promotion of culture - education areas Mills and Municipal.
• Enter into agreements with the Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia designed to ensure consistent cleaning and maintenance of trails and park areas for their greater usability.
• Make a service center, even through private interventions, near the park areas along the Via Venezia, connected with the existing pedestrian and cycle-equipped rooms dining room, office and school groups to visit the local hunting association .
• Perform environmental monitoring (air, electromagnetic fields, aquifers, radon, etc ...).
• Implement environmental education campaigns. •
planted trees in areas owned by the municipality in order to create new as well as wooded areas with nature also function as a barrier to protect homes. •
write up a Plan for Noise sets the maximum limits depending on the zone (residential, handicraft, agricultural, etc.)..
• Promote and encourage the use of solar thermal, photovoltaics and natural materials for renovations and new buildings.
• Install photovoltaic systems on certain properties owned by the city with the study sull'appicabilità public lighting.
• Facilitate the development of biomass for energy production.
• Strengthen the services offered at ecopiazzole extending opening hours and adapting them to new industry regulations.
• In order to limit the amount of waste going to landfills must implement a new collection "door to door, reducing the road trash bins, and involving citizens with tools and innovative management methods. TRAFFIC AND SAFETY
• Shut down of crosses of "Napoleon" with the construction of roundabouts (near the treatment plant and Ontagnano near the industrial area and commercial Gonars). To this end, the Province of Udine has already allocated the sum of two million.
• Promote the implementation of the Plan of Provincial Road to create a special harness road outside built-up areas, connecting the "Napoleon" with the road between Castle and Fauglis, on which the trucks must pass it by removing the trucks from the countries to ensure the safety and livability.
• Identify systems for limiting and controlling the speed in which both Gonars villages especially the increasing vigilance on the part of the Municipal Police and promoting the construction of roundabouts at intersections dangerous in the towns.
• Pay particular attention to the ways of realization of the third lane of the A4 motorway and high-speed railway line (TAV - Hall 5) in order to ensure the implementation of the necessary noise barriers to protect nearby homes.
• Complete the infrastructure works missing (sidewalks, lighting, paving, bike paths, etc..) in priority to those necessary for the removal of architectural barriers and allow for safe routes for children in the vicinity of school buildings, sports and recreation.
• Servicing and maintenance of local roads to improve also the crossings through the farm vehicles.
• Increase monitoring in sensitive areas (schools, ecopiazzole, green areas, the central areas, etc..) Installing cameras linked directly with the head of Civil Protection of Palmanova and increase control of the territory with the use of vigilant service night and in collaboration with other police forces.
• Building new niches in the cemeteries of the City and place the new burial area of \u200b\u200bthe capital.
• Making new channels for the flow of water in the area south of Gonars (Via Aussie, via Torviscosa and Via Trieste) and complete work on time with the work of reorganization and hydraulic Fauglis Ontagnano while providing a constant maintenance. • Accommodation in via
A. De Gasperi and Via Monte Grappa to complete redevelopments of downtown Gonars. • Retrain
Fauglis the center, similar to what has been done in Gonars and Ontagnano (the church square, via IV Novembre, Piazza Marzuttini and via Aquileia) systems for identifying the speed limits.
• Complete the Civil Defence headquarters in the industrial area with the creation of the office and services.
• Completing the sewerage treatment plants adapting to Ontagnano and capital.
• Retrieve the property "Jewish prayer" to Ontagnano to derive new spaces for cultural and social activities.
• Complete the pipeline and water supply networks, particularly in the locality Bordiga.
• Place the communal green areas with benches and adding new games to replace those now degraded. • Install
more cabs waiting bus in analogy to those already put in place in central and Gonars Ontagnano.
• Facilitate the implementation of new production facilities in the industrial area and shopping along the "Napoleonic".
• Protect and enhance the small businesses that play a role not only economically but also socially to the community.
• Promote and advertise the weekly market.
• Support the commercial value events such as fairs, rallies, etc.. in close collaboration with the associations. • Implement
meetings with industry to define the categories of promotional strategies, regulatory updates and initiatives in support of local activities.
• In today's society is the municipalities that citizens can not disregard the use of new information technologies and communication, so you must expect that they are usable by as many users as possible. We intend therefore to our community to overcome the so-called "digital divide", ie the gap between those who access the Internet faster and who is not, by promoting actions to involve providers and vendors to schedule the urgent deployment of "broadband". We will also strive to implement the necessary procedures to favor the 'implementation of the digital code, or new technologies such as, for example, digital signing and certified mail for the management of administrative processes. •
will be confirmed and supported the magazine Municipal Associations "GLAG", the local magazine "villa que dicitur GONARIUM, financed with funds from the Friulian language, and the annual review of historical-cultural Stradalta. •
will be upgraded the website of the municipality that, in addition to being an instrument that contains all the institutional information on the activities of the Administration and the services provided, will be to promote for all activities of the territory (associations, business, etc.).. •
will be published a new Bill of Services to Citizens "containing all necessary information on the operation of the City.
• Fiscal policy should be accompanied by the ability to bring strong elements of innovation and change in the organization of the municipality, to answer questions more and more differentiated and therefore with a less rigid structure that enhances the professionalism that it expresses. To this end, shall be increased to reduce costs, cooperation with neighboring municipalities and will have to establish offices unique. We want a town more lean and agile, able to plan, implement and manage a network of high quality services at the lowest possible cost.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Boat Trailer Parts And Accessories
Taking into consideration the economic situation of today, in Italy, many people, want to maintain the standard of living which was previously guaranteed by salary or wages from which their work main decimated currently rising costs, both the fuel and mortgages of basic necessities, and in general inflation afflicting the nation, simply want to increase their purchasing power and therefore seek a higher standard of living, need to increase its revenue and often goes in search of a second job and then a second income.
This is not always possible because in most cases their working hours does not guarantee enough free time to taking up another, and because the jobs that are often proposed, to supplement, or works are in black and some of which involve also risks and usually in black just because they are not paid enough in relation to the time and energy spent, or the classic door-step of both contracts (see recently contracts Enel Energy and many others) or of various gadgets and unnecessary ending soon enrich the services of Striscia la Notizia.
in the two cases are proposed that work or not able income or that can not be reconciled with its own character or a first job.
there any alternative?
There is a possibility to have access to extra income, not in black and without running the risk of having the doors slamming in his face, in case working from home, managing the working hours in the quiet of your own home without having neck the breath of someone who controls the quality and quantity of work, start and stop whenever you want when you want and what is most important to ensure an income equal to the hours spent?
Let's go back a second child, the answer to the questions that we post could be reversed if it were possible: Yes in Wonderland. I
is not necessary today to go that far or search for Neverland.
Internet could be, for some it already is, land of wonders. Today in
network are concrete answers to these questions are not traveling with the fantasy or regressions, some proposals can be found on the net, a second job or teleworking, concrete, meeting the above requirements there are concrete and tested without rischi.Certo not all the proposals meet the requirements, some are born and disappear very quickly, others require investments and then leave the victim in the lurch, and others relate to a single product (it's as if I took the door to door involving relatives and friends on the Internet), provide the chance (the game), promised astronomical profits in no time without explaining what kind of business you have to faithfully perform and so on. ecc.Comunque each of these online activities does not guarantee the income and the preparation necessary to perform correctly and work pay offerto.Altre proposals, very serious, requiring knowledge and preparation that not everyone has, just think of the cooperation offered by the network large international groups to webmaster or online jobs such translations, data entry and other ancora.Come we put it after this brief tour of the possibilities for teleworking? Desist? I would not say this is the case, the internet is a great mother who has everything, the bad and the beautiful, the true and false, good and know cattivo.Basta disentangle the various proposals are rejected if unclear or investments without requiring collateral. To do so, please read the proposals and when you have a little suspicion or the whole is unclear thousand and you are thrown in your face without knowing where they came from and why, discard and move on.
The proposals set to be considered are those that have a second job online clearly, equally self-evident that they say what is working and how it explicit that you prepare for work by providing online courses, which will provide assistance continues without let into the fray, you say in a way that leaves no room for doubt if you sell "what you sell and for whom," and if you have to buy before selling, last but not least should be clear and evident that the income is established and relativemodalità payment. In conclusion, like Ulysses heard the siren song is hear it is another thing. So sit quietly, you lose a bit of time searching and reading of the proposals, all will be time and money won .
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Pattycake Online Board
Care Dear fellow citizens and countrymen, I
comments taken as a candidate for Mayor to continue the work of revitalizing the City of Gonars.
Ours is a civic list because we are not "owned" by a party or a political coalition: our aim is to propose to continue to be the engine to get the best our City and to make our country the ideal place to raise our children become adults and then older so peaceful.
In recent years more and more choices you have shared the Civic List for a simple reason: we have seen in the transparency and the reality of the facts, you forgot a policy of agreements underground, insults and easy demagoguery to make room for evidence the serious work that lasts a long time.
fact the last few years the face of Gonars Fauglis Ontagnano and has changed significantly for the ability of the Administration and the Population.
The Civic List continues to be an original reality because it is a coalition of political forces but is a set of capable people in the time of renewal.
We are a group of people, as bearers of diverse values \u200b\u200band experiences, we wish to contribute to the good of the community from which we derive. Young and old
below may have the support of many other citizens with the common goal of IMPROVE QUALITY 'OF LIFE. Our
Eun VIVO City, on the move, they are born and compare ideas and projects to qualify, making the roads better, more efficient services and create long-term planning is also necessary to make courageous choices and broad. To do this
it is essential to the collaboration of all: a town and its population is not going ahead only for government intervention is necessary that each system is a piece of the mosaic of the country that we all want. Ivan
Monday, May 4, 2009
Retention Cyst More Condition_symptoms
Work from home and earn money online ...
Many people, thinking about this topic, see him as a shady way to cheat the people, as a prohibited and something that will not work mai.Per the truth, this confusion of ideas created by the expansion of pyramid schemes.
The pyramid schemes, in Italy, are illegal and have this operation: the victim,''prompted to enter a system of income (even paying a figure, sometimes substantial) must find that, in turn, "recruit" many people as possible to earn a percentage of that amount. This system, however, collapses when the creator of the system escapes with the loot and cheat the poor people are left with less than € and a lot of resentment against the Gain Online . It 'just that which has prevented the development of Gain Online .
people have cheated, and rightly so, that negative publicity, but have improved! There are many online income opportunities seriously.
Esiston affiliations, the sale of advertising space and the creation and sale of products. The system really gain that, unfortunately, is all too often turn to pyramid schemes, is the Network Marketing (or Multi-Level Marketing).
Network marketing works like this: a product is sold from the factory to the consumer through a sales network. Everyone can create their own working group, but the interesting thing is that you can receive a percentage sales of team members.
in illegal pyramid schemes, however, there is nothing to sell, it's just a money market that often fails. Network marketing is a good opportunity to gain , but you must have commitment and dedication. In addition, some very important features. You have to have propensity for sale, team management, education of new sellers.
We said then that the Network Marketing is a serious gain.
has good characteristics and requires a big commitment, but it's a great way to gain Online.