Tuesday, June 16, 2009

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Controls on the use of internet at work

- Rome, May 27 -

control use of network and e-mail in public office, 'filters' that prevent access to sites with content prohibited by law, a blacklist of sites not allowed. But even chance 'to connect from your office desk with your bank or insurance obligations to make online and avoid the' absence from work. The narrow use of the Internet for purposes other than those related to the profession and 'in the directive of the minister of the PA that several aspects of the resolution refers to the Guarantor in respect of privacy. The Administration, which is' even the owner of the information system''has the burden to establish measures to reduce the risk of improper conduct of the Internet, such as activities' is not related to work performance, such as the vision of irrelevant sites, uploading and downloading files, the use of network services with purpose 'play or otherwise unconnected' activities' work.'' In this regard, the Directive recommends that the government''to acquire software capable of preventing access to websites with content and / or purpose 'prohibited by law.'' The single administration, taking into account the peculiarities 'of your organization's professional and authorized the use of the network can' take measures specified in resolution and Garahte and that the directive will be remembered:''identification of categories of sites related or not with the service: system configurations or use filters to prevent operations not related activity 'lavoratia, such as uploading or accessing certain sites, placed in a sort of black list, and downloading files or software with particular characteristics (size or type of data).''


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