Saturday, June 6, 2009

Thumb Pain When Reaching

methods of income: Google Adsense is still a source of income?

Contextual advertising, and is the case of Google AdSense is a powerful direction in this period of economic crisis, large companies do not advertise, but the targeted advertising, even small companies can make a fortune small publishers.
We are not saying that the way AdSense is declining, Indeed we can even stay there have been declines in revenue of 20,30,40 and even 50% on the sites.
We nevertheless think that there are other strategies: you can take advantage of valuable content sponsorship details, create added value through special features that make a guide for a specific topic, widgets containing news on a specific subject, always updated and serviced by a sponsor that is related to that topic.
short is not the usual advertising, advertising a that gives me a particular value, especially on a certain topic.
Another way that we think has enormous potential is that of the info-products. What
are the info-products?
is the capacity to realize, for those who are passionate, experienced or for those who want to become in a certain field, to gather complete information on that theme and make it available to the public in various formats which are accessible by paying a membership by paying one-time charge, buy and download a movie, a course, a series of guides.
The figures say that I hear from, let's call it, with my lap that have set up something ranging between € 2-3 thousand to 10 thousand euro.
So there are limits, is a bit 'as you have hair on my stomach, when we want to invest on and perhaps even how many resources you have available.


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